Víziónk, hogy az általunk kínált szállásainkat otthonként érezhessék kollégáink! A hosszú, közös együttműködés alapvető feltétele a korrekt szállás. Szállásaink minden esetben megfelelnek az SNF. feltételeknek. SNF: Holland organizácó, mely folyamatosan ellenőrzi a szállás körülményeit. Amennyiben a szállásokat megfelelőnek találják, tanúsítványt adnak róla. We always deliver houses who meet the standards of the SNF. The SNF is a dutch organisation that checks if houses meet their standards in order to receive a certificat.
The transportation to work will be done in a regular car or a bus. All our vehicles are gps tracked and are purely for house to work transportation. Also fuel and insurances are covered by Stipt. We are also capable of providing transport from your country to Holland.
We will make sure you will get a good health Insurance according to Dutch standards. Our health insurance is done by the organisation Hollandzorg specialized in employees who come from abroad and work in the Netherlands.
We will provide for an honest pension. The pension is from the organisation Stipp (Achmea) which is an expert on temporary workers. This way you also build a long term future within Stipt!